Hallmark Interactive Wristbands for Kids

Greeting cards company Hallmark introduces Text Bands — a new product that encourages kids to connect face to face while using an interactive wristband.

Text Bands allow kids to swap messages by bumping fists or shaking hands. Recently, thousands of kids and celebrities, including Cody Simpson and Demi Lovato, have bumped fists and traded messages at Hallmark Text Bands launch parties.

Starting Monday, July 23, everyone can participate in the Text Bands action. Text Bands are available for $14.99 at Hallmark Gold Crown stores.

“In this world of behind-the-screen communication, we wanted to give kids a new fun way to connect face to face and express themselves,” said Dan Woodall, Hallmark product manager.

Text Bands starter kits feature a purple or charcoal-colored Text Band, complete with a texting module and style band. Kids enter up to 10 characters into the screen and, when they see a friend wearing a Text Band, they connect by bumping fists or shaking hands.

The bands will light up, and the message transfers from band to band. A bad-word filter built into the Text Band helps ensure kids send positive messages. Text Bands hold up to 24 messages at a time — the newest messages push out the oldest — giving kids the perfect excuse to connect with their friends again and again.

Hallmark also offers style bands, giving kids an opportunity to showcase their style. Style bands feature various designs, including Peace Graffiti, Camo Breeze and characters, such as Minnie Mouse, and retail for $4.99 each.

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Rakesh Raman