Hands-Free Phone Calls Can Kill: PSA

Hands-Free Phone Calls Can Kill: PSA
Hands-Free Phone Calls Can Kill: PSA

It’s estimated that 26 percent of all car crashes result from cell phone use, including 21 percent that involve talking on a cell phone – handheld or hands-free, according to the National Safety Council (NSC).

It’s a growing crisis and the stakes are high, says NSC. Drivers who talk hands-free can miss seeing up to 50% of their surrounding driving environment even though they are looking right out the windshield. That’s because driving and talking are two tasks that require a great deal of thought.

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When doing both, your brain is unable to do either well. Think about trying to follow a television show while talking on the phone. You will miss input from at least one of those sources.

While driving, this behavior often results in not seeing traffic signals, which leads directly to crashes, and without the ability to click the rewind button.

NSC has released a PSA (public service announcement) which explains what can happen to any driver who talks hands-free.

Founded in 1913 and chartered by Congress, the National Safety Council is a nonprofit organization which aims to save lives by preventing injuries and deaths at work, in homes and communities, and on the road through leadership, research, education, and advocacy.

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Rakesh Raman