Has the UN Lost Its Relevance… and Respect?

The UN (United Nations) believes that “respect for UN flag is disappearing” as its aid workers are increasingly being targeted by violent elements in different parts of the world.
The “horrific” attack on the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) staff in Somalia is a reminder of the dangers many aid workers face on a daily basis, a top UN humanitarian official said, urging that those who perpetrated the attacks be held accountable.
Four UNICEF staff members were killed Monday when a roadside bomb exploded alongside their minivan as they travelled to work in Garowe, northern Somalia.
“Aid workers are increasingly targeted, with serious consequences for our ability to reach people who urgently need help,” Valerie Amos, head of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said in a press statement.
“Attacks on humanitarian workers can constitute a war crime and are in total violation of international humanitarian and human rights law.”
The UN Secretary-General and other top UN officials are doing nothing to stop terrorism and other crimes except issuing statements which are utterly useless and meaningless.
As UN officials lack understanding of the political issues, they are not able to engage warring groups in a constructive debate. As a result, UN doesn’t have any control over conflicting parties. It has become an inefficient, monolithic outfit full of human parasites.
In the given situation, the UN member countries must challenge the role of this intergovernmental organization and stop financing it. All the funds given by the member states are being squandered by the UN which is now overstaffed with unskilled officials who lead luxurious lifestyles. That’s why UN has lost its relevance and respect.
According to the UN, attacks on its workers are increasing every year for more than a decade. In 2013, they reached a record high of 264 attacks, affecting 474 aid workers.
“Respect for the United Nations flag is disappearing,” Ms. Amos admitted.