How a Love Poem from GOP Targets President Obama

To celebrate the Valentine’s Day this year, GOP decided to send its love to a document that guides America’s role and the legislative process: The Constitution of the United States of America.
The Republican Party has written a poem to voice its concerns and it subtly targets President Barack Obama.
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Here’s the GOP poem:
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
You’re 228 years old–
But we still turn to you.
You outline our responsibilities,
And how to pass a bill.
We’re sorry that our president
Ignores your good will.
But Congress could never stray,
It just wouldn’t be right!
You’ve given us responsibility,
And for you we will fight.
We stand against executive action
And want to work together
Remember checks and balances?
It was meant to last forever.
This past year has had challenges —
Be it immigration or cybersecurity,
But we know we must go through you
to maintain justice and liberty.
Since your inception
From the Fathers that founded,
You’ve outlined a process
That has kept us all grounded.
From the 10 Bill of Rights
To amendments and votes,
This constitutional process
Deserves many love notes!
We read you for reference
In every decision we make.
Without you we’d be lost,
And make selfish mistakes.
Although you are locked
In that big National Archive
Your constitutional provisions
Remain timelessly alive.
So Happy Valentines Day,
To the “law of the land!”
House Republicans are grateful
For your great guiding hand!
Courtesy: GOP