How India Plans to Combat Climate Change

Dr. Harsh Vardhan releasing a publication on climate actions in India titled “India - Spearheading Climate Solutions”, in New Delhi on February 12, 2019
Dr. Harsh Vardhan releasing a publication on climate actions in India titled “India – Spearheading Climate Solutions”, in New Delhi on February 12, 2019

India’s Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change released a publication today (February 12) in New Delhi. Titled “India – Spearheading Climate Solutions,” it highlights climate actions that India has taken under various sectors towards combating and adapting to climate change.

Environment minister Harsh Vardhan said that India has been one of the proactive countries in the world that has been working on multiple aspects of climate change at domestic as well as international level.

He added that this publication not only highlights India’s achievements toward climate action but also its preparedness for future.

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“The initiatives captured in this publication are reflection of our commitment toward addressing climate change concerns while keeping a fine balance with the sustainable development priorities,” the minister said.

In December 2018, India submitted its second Biennial Update Report (BUR) to UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) as per the reporting obligations under the convention.

According to the government, the report brings out the fact that emission intensity of India’s GDP came down by 21% between 2005 and 2014 and India’s achievement of climate goal for pre-2020 period is on track.

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Rakesh Raman