Illegal Activity Forces Residents to Leave Classic Apartments in Dwarka

Illegal Activity Forces Residents to Leave Classic Apartments in Dwarka
OPENING STATEMENT The cooperative group housing societies (CGHS) of Delhi have become dangerous centres of crime and corruption. The crimes in these housing societies are being committed by the management committee (MC) members or administrators in connivance with the corrupt officials of Registrar Cooperative Societies (RCS) of Delhi Government, Delhi Development Authority (DDA), Delhi Police, Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC), and a few other departments. In order to stop crimes in the housing societies, the local residents should not feel scared and formally complain against the criminal MC members, administrators, and government functionaries. We need to work together to weed out rampant crime and corruption from Delhi’s housing societies. ~ Rakesh Raman |
Case of AIMO CGHS Ltd., Classic Apartments, Plot No 11, Sector 22, Dwarka, New Delhi 110 077
By Rakesh Raman
Case Update: June 21, 2023
As a journalist and anti-corruption activist, I sent the following notice to the management committee (MC) of AIMO CGHS (Classic Apartments). Since I did not get a response, I am publishing this case report publicly and again advise the MC to follow the law and stop the alleged irregularities at the Society. The authorities can investigate this case to catch the culprits.
I will soon file a formal case at various administrative and judicial forums against the AIMO CGHS MC so that an appropriate legal action could be taken against the accused and the residents of AIMO CGHS could live in a peaceful and corruption-free environment.
Video: You can click here to watch the related video on RMN YouTube Channel. The video is also given below under this article.
Note: As the case progresses, this webpage will keep getting updated. So, visit this webpage again.
To June 18, 2023
The President / Secretary [ Mr. J.B. Kaushik, Mr. Mahesh Khemka, and other Managing Committee (MC) members ]
AIMO Cooperative Group Housing Society Ltd.
Classic Apartments
Plot No 11, Sector 22, Dwarka
New Delhi 110 077
Copy: Registrar Cooperative Societies (RCS) of Delhi Government and Delhi Police
Subject: Show Cause Notice for Allegations of Financial and other Irregularities at AIMO CGHS.
Dear President / Secretary, AIMO CGHS Ltd.,
I am a government’s national award winning journalist and founder of the humanitarian organization RMN Foundation. I also run various education-awareness, environment-protection, and anti-corruption campaigns at the local and international levels. Moreover, I have been running an anti-corruption social service “Clean House” for the past 6 years to help the suffering residents of Delhi raise their voice against the growing corruption and injustice in cooperative group housing societies (CGHS).
As I allow the harassed residents to register their complaints on the “Clean House” service through an online form, Mr. Sharad Mathur (r/o A 125, Classic Apartments / AIMO CGHS) has complained against the AIMO CGHS managing committee (MC) including its President / Secretary.
The allegations levelled by Mr. Sharad Mathur against the AIMO CGHS MC include MC’s dereliction of duty towards stopping illegal construction, imposition of huge financial burden on members without their explicit consent, planning for a harmful floor area ratio (FAR) extension project in the Society building, and irregularities in holding the Annual General Meetings (AGMs) / General Body Meetings (GBMs) in the Society. The allegations and details are described as under:
1. Mr. Sharad Mathur alleges that a flat above his own flat carried out a disturbing renovation which involved illegal alterations in the outside structure that amounts to encroachment and affects his privacy. When Mr. Sharad Mathur informed the AIMO CGHS MC about this illegality, the MC sent a perfunctory letter dated January 15, 2022 to Mr. Amar Chatterjee (Flat No. A 128) asking him to restore the facade to its original state. However, despite Mr. Sharad Mathur’s several subsequent requests, no remedial action has been taken by the MC whereas nearly one and a half years have elapsed from the date of his complaint.
As a result of the AIMO CGHS MC’s inaction, it had become impossible for Mr. Sharad Mathur to live in his own flat and the MC’s constant negligence forced him to leave the flat and live outside. Mr. Sharad Mathur urges the AIMO CGHS MC again through this show cause notice to get the defaulting flat restored to its original state within a week and take punitive action against the member who has made unauthorized alterations in his flat. The MC’s corrective action will also enable Mr. Sharad Mathur and his family to come back and live in their house.
2. Mr. Sharad Mathur alleges that the AIMO CGHS MC has been forcing each of the 160 members in the Society to pay a whopping Rs. 200,000 each for some ambiguous projects related to structural changes in the building and / or procuring a fire-fighting system. Mr. Sharad Mathur adds that the decision to impose this financial burden on members was taken by the MC in a deceptively held AGM in which the majority of the members did not participate. He expects the MC to take formal approval separately from each member before asking the members to pay, as some members may not be in a position to pay such a big amount of money to the MC. Until then, he urges the MC to roll back its decision to demand money from members.
3. Mr. Sharad Mathur also fears that the AIMO CGHS MC will start a lethal FAR construction work in the Society building as the MC has mentioned about it in the meetings. As FAR construction – which runs for years and spreads poisonous dust pollution and noise pollution – makes life miserable for the residents (including men, women, children, and particularly senior citizens), Mr. Sharad Mathur urges the MC to discard the FAR planning. Also, many members will not require extended flats and will not be in a position to pay money for FAR construction which involves expenditure of crores of rupees. Therefore, Mr. Sharad Mathur expects the MC to explicitly convey its decision that FAR construction will not be carried out in the AIMO CGHS building.
4. Mr. Sharad Mathur also complains that the AIMO CGHS MC has been working in a totally free-wheeling manner as a private club of some individuals while it is supposed to be regulated by the RCS office of Delhi Government. He asks the MC to hold AGMs / GBMs in a transparent manner and take exclusive permissions from all members before imposing any financial decision on them.
5. With these details, I am giving you an opportunity to respond to the allegations levelled by Mr. Sharad Mathur. You also have the option to formally resolve all issues at AIMO CGHS within a week to the entire satisfaction of the members – including Mr. Sharad Mathur – who have complained against you. In your response to this show cause notice, you can add any other information from your side to put forward your point of view and explain why your case should not be reported to the law-enforcement authorities including the police so that an appropriate action could be taken in this case.
Please send me your response (preferably by email) on or before June 20, 2023. Subsequently, you have the option to participate in an online meeting with me to explain your side of the case. If I do not receive your email response by June 20, 2023, it will be assumed that you have nothing to say in this matter and I will proceed to take this case forward and approach the police and other law-enforcement authorities with the information that I have.
You are also urged to inform all the members of the AIMO CGHS about this show cause notice publicly through the Society website and this case report will be made public on the “Clean House” service after June 20, 2023.
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Video report is given below.
Rakesh Raman
Editor, RMN News Service [ Website ]
Founder, RMN Foundation [ Website ]
463, DPS Apts., Plot No. 16, Sector 4
Dwarka, Phase I, New Delhi 110 078, India
Mobile: 9810319059 | Contact by Email
Let us together weed out crime and corruption from Delhi’s cooperative group housing societies. |