India and U.S. Hold First 2+2 Dialogue on Defence

The U.S. Secretary of State Mr. Michael Pompeo and U.S. Secretary of Defence Mr. James Mattis, called on the Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Delhi on Thursday.
According to a government statement, they conveyed greetings of President Trump to the Prime Minister who recalled his interactions with President Trump and requested Secretaries to convey his greetings to him.
It is said that the Modi government is inviting Trump to be the chief guest at the 2019 Republic Day celebrations in New Delhi.
The Secretaries briefed the Prime Minister on the fruitful and productive 2+2 dialogue held earlier on Thursday.
PM Modi congratulated both the Secretaries and their Indian counterparts, External Affairs Minister and Defence Minister, for holding of the first 2+2 dialogue between the two countries.
Photo courtesy: Press Information Bureau