India Needs Smart Police Force: Amit Shah

India’s Minister for Home Affairs, Amit Shah, said that in a federal country like India there must be a holistic approach to internal security as the country has to fight the challenges of securing its borders, infiltration, fake currency, cyber-attacks, and trafficking of humans, arms, narcotics, and animals.
He said that this is all the more important as India has over 15,000 km land boundary, over 7,500 km coastline, and a hostile neighbor always trying to sow the seeds of terrorism in the country.
Addressing the concluding session of the 47th All India Police Science Congress in Lucknow on Friday (November 29), the Home Minister said that in the above context, it is of paramount importance to have an effective coordination between border security forces and State police.
He also praised police for maintenance of effective law and order situation after abrogation of Article 370 and Supreme Court verdict on Ram Mandir. He added that the measures like country-wide NRC and Citizenship (Amendment) Bill can be implemented with effective coordination between the Central and State security apparatus.
Shah talked about the government’s vision to establish a Central National Police University, with affiliated colleges in each state, where students after 10th standard can learn about law, forensic science, communications, Constitution, and Police coordination for creation of a specialized force.
Concluding his address, Shah said that internal security is all the more important today as India is a huge market of 1.3 billion people and is at the centre stage of the world.
He said that while in 2004, India was the 11th economy in the world, in the past 5 years it has jumped to the 7th position, and expressed hope that by 2024 India would become a $5-trillion economy with a position in the top three global economies.
This aim can only be achieved through PM Narendra Modi’s vision of a SMART (Sensitive, Modern, Alert, Responsive, and Tech-savvy) Police force, he said.