Is Donald Trump a Secret Agent of Hillary Clinton?

Trump’s past proximity to Clintons and the damage he is causing to the GOP, lend credence to the theory that he is a Clinton spy who has come to demolish the GOP.
By Rakesh Raman
The kind of chaos that Donald Trump has created in the Republican party, it appears that he is a mole sent by the Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton to degrade and destroy the Republican party, which has chosen Trump as its presidential candidate.
The businessman-cum-politician Trump is known for his political promiscuity, as he has changed party affiliations frequently during his political career. But before entering the 2016 presidential race, he had been a staunch admirer of Hillary Clinton and her husband Bill Clinton.
His past proximity to Clintons and the damage he is causing to the GOP, lend credence to the theory that he is a Clinton spy who has come to demolish the GOP.
As part of his mission, the loudmouthed Trump has gone totally berserk and repeatedly embarrassed the Republicans with his hate statements against Latinos, Gold Star families, women, and journalists. He has not spared even the top Republicans who tried to tame him.
As a result, today more than 150 Republican leaders have openly said they won’t support Trump in the election. They include Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina, Lindsey Graham, John Kasich, George Pataki, and others.
All those who differed with Trump mainly for his rude and uncivilized behaviour have experienced Trump’s verbal attacks. The latest victim of Trump’s “counterpunches” is Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, the highest-ranking elected Republican.
In the past couple of weeks, Ryan has openly denounced Trump for his vulgarity and contempt for American democracy. When Trump bragged about his sexual tendencies to “grope women without their consent, grab them by the pussy, and force himself upon them,” in a leaked tape, most Republicans – including Ryan – condemned him.
Last week, when Trump expressed his apprehension by saying that the November election may be rigged against him, Ryan opposed him again by showing his confidence in the election results. Trump reacted sharply with his tweets against Ryan.
Paul Ryan, a man who doesn’t know how to win (including failed run four years ago), must start focusing on the budget, military, vets etc.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 16, 2016
“Paul Ryan, a man who doesn’t know how to win (including failed run four years ago), must start focusing on the budget, military, vets etc.,” Trump tweeted, adding that Ryan is always fighting with him.
The Democrats have a corrupt political machine pushing crooked Hillary Clinton. We have Paul Ryan, always fighting the Republican nominee!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 16, 2016
Although Ryan has not yet withdrawn his support to Trump, he has stopped campaigning for the presidential nominee. With his utter disrespect for the top Republicans, Trump is more cruel to Republicans than to Hillary Clinton, who may have planted him into the GOP. If that is true, Trump has almost succeeded in his mission to destroy the GOP.
Today, GOP is totally divided into two factions – some who support Trump and others who oppose him. Those Republicans who still support Trump despite his vulgar remarks and abusive language, in all probability, secretly enjoy Trump’s benevolence about which he bragged in the leaked tape.
But this unprecedented divide that Trump has successfully created in the GOP is expected to take its toll on the party’s position in the Senate and the House. Elections will take place for 469 seats in the U.S. Congress (34 Senate seats and all 435 House seats) on the day of presidential election – November 8, 2016.
While top Republicans are opposing Trump, the GOP seems to have accepted its defeat in the presidential race. But if the GOP loses its strength in the Senate and the House, it will be a big win for Trump who is hell-bent to destroy the Republican Party.
By Rakesh Raman, the managing editor of RMN Company
Photo courtesy: Hillary Clinton website