ISIS Terrorists and Syrian Govt Used Chemical Weapons: UN Report

Edmond Mulet, Head of the Security Council Joint Investigative Mechanism on Chemical Weapon Use in Syria. Photo: UN Photo/ Mark Garten
Edmond Mulet, Head of the Security Council Joint Investigative Mechanism on Chemical Weapon Use in Syria. Photo: UN Photo / Mark Garten

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/Da’esh/ISIS) terrorists were responsible for using sulfur mustard in a September 2016 attack in Umm Hawsh, the head of a Security Council-mandated investigation said Tuesday.

It was also stated that the Syrian Government was accountable for the release of sarin in an April 2017 attack in Khan Shaykhun.

“There has been sufficient evidence of a credible and reliable nature to make its findings,” said Edmond Mulet, Head of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons-UN Joint Investigative Mechanism (OPCW-UN JIM), during a briefing on the entity’s latest findings.

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He said that despite the challenges of investigating complex cases during an armed conflict, the Mechanism has taken great care to ensure that its methodology and findings were technically and scientifically sound.

According to a UN report, Mr. Mulet said the Mechanism has been guided by the terms of reference approved by the Security Council, conducting its work “in an independent, impartial, and professional manner.”

He noted that 12 Member States provided case-specific information, including Syria. The Mechanism interviewed over 30 witnesses and reviewed 2,247 photographs, 1,284 video files, 120 audio files and 639 documents.

Technical teams visited Damascus and the Al-Shayrat air base in September and October. Syria has engaged constructively with the Mechanism.

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Rakesh Raman