Ivanka Trump Praises Indian Girl’s Grit to Overcome Covid Hassles

The Modi government has completely ignored the plight of poor workers who are not only stranded or walking on the roads, but they are also carrying Covid infection with them to their villages.
By Rakesh Raman
Ivanka Trump – the daughter of U.S. President Donald Trump – praised an Indian girl Jyoti Kumari who carried her wounded father on a bicycle to reach their village.
Ivanka shared an article of Jyoti Kumari’s bicycle journey of over 1,200 km and said in her tweet Friday (May 22) that this beautiful feat of endurance and love has captured the imagination of the Indian people.
15 yr old Jyoti Kumari, carried her wounded father to their home village on the back of her bicycle covering +1,200 km over 7 days.
This beautiful feat of endurance & love has captured the imagination of the Indian people and the cycling federation!🇮🇳 https://t.co/uOgXkHzBPz
— Ivanka Trump (@IvankaTrump) May 22, 2020
Sadly, however, Ivanka could not comprehend the reason why 15-year-old Jyoti Kumari was traveling on a bicycle during the coronavirus (Covid-19) lockdown restrictions imposed by the government headed by Prime Minister (PM) Narendra Modi.
Today, hundreds of thousands of migrant workers and their families – including pregnant women and children – are walking hundreds of miles to reach their native places, as the Modi government failed to provide transport or any other relief to them.
While Jyoti Kumari could reach her home on the bicycle, hundreds of poor workers are dying on the roads after Modi had imposed the lockdown recklessly on March 24. As some of them do not have food and water during their torturous journeys, they are eating even dead animals to stay alive.
For example, a video of a starving man eating a dead dog during the lockdown went viral on social media. The man, who could not find any food to eat during his on-foot journey on the Delhi-Jaipur highway, had no other option but to eat the animal carcass. A passerby then offered him food.
RMN News Service cannot independently confirm the veracity of the video which is available in the public domain on the web.
The Modi government has completely ignored the plight of poor workers who are not only stranded or walking on the roads, but they are also carrying Covid infection with them to their villages. Nearly 70% of India’s 1.4 billion people live in villages.
While India has already become the epicenter of coronavirus infection because of the inaction and negligence of the Modi government, millions of people are expected to get infected in the next couple of months in the rural areas also.
By Rakesh Raman, who is a national award-winning journalist and social activist. He is the founder of a humanitarian organization RMN Foundation which is working in diverse areas to help the disadvantaged and distressed people in the society. He also creates and publishes a number of digital publications and research reports on different subjects. These publications include the “Covid Health Bulletin” that covers global coronavirus news and views.