Life and beyond… By Rakesh Raman

The following expressions are based on my own, personal experiences in life particularly during the past 16 years, beginning 1998. While I believe in all these morals, I honestly practice and apply them in my life.
I have put my thoughts in three different categories: Spirituality, Motivation, and Relationships
You are free to disagree with me.
I do not possess anything. I do not belong to anyone. I am alone in this world. I am not rich. I am not poor. I do not feel happy. I do not feel sad. So, I am now on a path toward peace – eternal peace. ~~~ Rakesh Raman
Spirituality is nothing but knowing the meaning of your own existence in this world. You can practice spirituality only by talking to yourself – by repeatedly querying yourself till your own self gets satisfied. ~~~ Rakesh Raman
Your peace of mind can help you get relief from all pains in life. And if you want to follow the path toward peace, you should develop selflessness and detachment as your key characteristics. ~~~ Rakesh Raman
When it’s all chaos and commotion around you, you can still hear your own voice. So if you are stuck at any stage in your life, just follow your own instincts and act. Your action driven by the power of your voice can pull you out from any difficulty. ~~~ Rakesh Raman
Those who think they possess something in this world are living in a perpetual state of illusion. In fact, you don’t belong to anything and nothing belongs to you. It’s all temporary. When you realize this, even the biggest loss in life will not be able to disturb you. ~~~ Rakesh Raman
When you run after something to grab it desperately, it will elude you like a mirage. But when you withdraw, it will either follow you or you will realize you do not need it. This change of mind will help you go from a state of depression to satisfaction. So it will always be good for you to follow the path of detachment. ~~~ Rakesh Raman
Happiness and sadness are two temporary states of mind, as your mind keeps fluctuating between these two states. So when you feel sad, think that the happy state is about to come. This thinking will give you solace and allow you to attain peace of mind. ~~~ Rakesh Raman
You can win any battle in this world if you can control your own mind. So as a first step toward victory, you have to kill your desires because now your mind is under the control of these desires. ~~~ Rakesh Raman
Questions that always disturb me: Who am I? Who sent me here? What am I doing? What am I supposed to do? Where will I go? When will I go? Who will take me back? Will I come back? Can you help me with the answers? ~~~ Rakesh Raman
Life or Death? The most confusing and unproved belief for the humankind is that death is bad and the life is good. The truth is that nobody has come back after death to tell us their experience after death. Then why can’t we think that death may be better than life? And why should we feel sad over a death? ~~~ Rakesh Raman
If you believe in rebirth, there is no death. Rather, it’s life after life. ~~~ Rakesh Raman
If you want to lead a refined life, your mind needs to be free from all waverings between aggression and depression. To achieve this freedom of mind, you have to control your senses. So never feel excited when you get something and never feel sad when you lose the other. ~~~ Rakesh Raman
“Rich” and “Poor” are only relative terms. On a financial scale, everybody in this world is richer than many others and poorer than many others. The actual richness comes when you are satisfied with what you have. And you can achieve this richness only if you can conquer your desires. ~~~ Rakesh Raman
All of us are passengers in this world. Our demise takes us to our destination. ~~~ Rakesh Raman
Attempt is more important than achievement. So when you are serious to do anything in life, make a sincere attempt even when you think you won’t be able to achieve your goal. ~~~ Rakesh Raman
Going by the normal rules to measure success, I am the biggest failure in this world. Still, I believe that I am successful because I love and enjoy my work. ~~~ Rakesh Raman
Committing a mistake is not a mistake; repeating a mistake is a mistake. And your own mistakes can be your most reliable guide from where you can take guidance when you face any difficulty. ~~~ Rakesh Raman
You’d feel deceived at many steps in your life. But you should still trust others because this trust can show you light even in the deepest darkness. ~~~ Rakesh Raman
You are the strongest when you have nothing to lose. So your capacity to lose can be your biggest strength. In other words, always be ready to sacrifice anything in life to tread the path you choose. ~~~ Rakesh Raman
You can only strive to achieve your goal. Mostly, you won’t have any control on the result. So while making your attempt, you should never even think about the result. ~~~ Rakesh Raman
Life is full of pains. But if you want some relief, help those who are suffering with deeper pains. ~~~ Rakesh Raman
It’s not possible to define success. But if it can be defined, you can only chase success; you can’t achieve it. ~~~ Rakesh Raman
There will always be some opposition or derision to whatever you do in life. But you should never try to please all. Rather, you must focus on your goal and move forward. ~~~ Rakesh Raman
Education is important for all of us. However, our education is incomplete if it cannot bring us knowledge, vision, and enlightenment. ~~~ Rakesh Raman
You must think big and chase your goals actively. But ensure that your goals should not become your desires because desires will weaken you and cause desperation. So conquer your desires at every step of your chase. ~~~ Rakesh Raman
No punishment can be more painful than the work you are doing that you don’t like to do. ~~~ Rakesh Raman
The only thought that inspires me to work hard is the thought of my death. ~~~ Rakesh Raman
When we stop evolving intellectually, we are already dead. ~~~ Rakesh Raman
Every relationship in this world will break before it’s properly built if it’s not planted with the seeds of commitment and honesty. ~~~ Rakesh Raman
As I am constantly in search of peace, I believe all beautiful creations in this world will give me plenty of peace in my mind. But I could never figure out the true meaning of beauty. ~~~ Rakesh Raman
Love vs. Infatuation: While infatuation is between bodies, love is between souls. Infatuation can be with many, love is only with one. Infatuation dies soon, love lives forever. The choice is yours. ~~~ Rakesh Raman
Nothing is absolutely right or absolutely wrong in this world. It’s only your relative position where you stand and view something to decide between right and wrong. So change your standing position before you declare anything wrong. ~~~ Rakesh Raman
What’s love? Love demands sacrifice at every step of your relationship. Love can give you more tears than smiles. Love can leave you in a state of awful pain. Yet, the feeling of love is extremely pleasing. It’s not possible to live without love. Can you? ~~~ Rakesh Raman
Humanity is the biggest and the purest religion. Any organized religion that believes in any identifiable God keeps people away from people by promoting religion-based groups. And organized religion has always been the cause of the most heinous crimes and killings in the world. Can we adopt only humanity as our religion? ~~~ Rakesh Raman
It’s very difficult for me to smile. But I feel good when I see people smiling. And I feel extremely delighted when they smile because of me. ~~~ Rakesh Raman
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Thank you, Jatinder. Good to know that you liked it.
Its beautifully written Rakesh. 🙂 Really enjoyed it!
Unfortunately Rakesh, I don’t think it is achievable in the real world. It is hard to change everyone’s religious belief that they were taught since birth. Although on the brighter side, I think there are more people today then ever before that do not attach themselves to a certain religion so maybe there is hope for the distant future. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Julie
Thank you, Julie. Although we think humanity should be the only religion, is this goal achievable in the real world? Please suggest while I am also thinking more on this concept.
Rakesh Raman
Humanity is the biggest and the purest religion. Any organized religion that believes in any identifiable God keeps people away from people by promoting religion-based groups. And organized religion has always been the cause of the most heinous crimes and killings in the world. Can we adopt only humanity as our religion? ~~~ Rakesh Raman
I agree Rakesh! The world would be a better place if humanity was everyone’s religion.
I certainly will Rakesh.
Keep writing,
Thank you Christiane for your inspiring words. You have brought more clarity to my thoughts. Please do stay in touch.
Rakesh Raman
Hello Rakesh,
I agree with you relationships will break before they’re properly built. What people may not know is that the building starts with sharing your own feelings with yourself. Yes, building the very first relationship is with yourself. It creates like a matrix that can be repeated with others!
I truly appreciated reading your post. Sharing your opinion openly is a fundamental step in the building of relationships. Sharing your feelings genuinely and being open to outside comments certainly gives trust the chance to grow.
Congratulations on standing for what is essential to you. It takes audacity to uncover one’s opinion to the world.
Warmest regards,