Make Your Housing Society Website to Stop Crimes and Corruption

Make Your Housing Society Website to Stop Crimes and Corruption
You can use the format given below to ask your MC to make your society website.
By Rakesh Raman
All of us know that one of the main reasons for increasing crimes in cooperative group housing societies (CGHS) is the lack of transparency. The management committees (MCs) or administrators prefer to work opaquely in order to swindle public money from residents.
The society websites carrying essential information in a transparent manner can check crimes and corruption which are being committed by MCs or administrators in housing societies.
Although the RCS office has issued repeated directives for housing societies asking them to make their websites, the MCs and administrators blatantly ignore those directives. As a result, most residents are suffering and they have no forum where they could complain against the corrupt MC members.
[ Video: अपराध और भ्रष्टाचार रोकने के लिए अपनी हाउसिंग सोसायटी की वेबसाइट बनाएं ]
In order to help society members ask their MCs to make their websites, I have created the following format. You can customize this format by adding the name and address of your society. You can send it to your MC with copy to the RCS office.
To Date: ………………
The President / Secretary / Administrator
…………………… CGHS
Address: ……………………………….
Copy for Urgent Action: Registrar Cooperative Societies (RCS), Delhi Government, Old Court Building, Parliament Street, New Delhi 110 001
Dear President / Secretary / Administrator,
This is to inform you that the RCS office has repeatedly ordered all cooperative group housing societies (CGHS) in Delhi to make their websites in order to bring transparency and reduce the possibility of corruption in the societies’ work.
In this regard, the RCS office has issued multiple directives and notifications which assert that the website creation is mandatory / compulsory for each housing society. You can read the RCS notifications which are attached with this letter / email.
[ RCS Notification 1 ] [ RCS Notification 2 ] [ RCS Notification 3 ]
Moreover, the RCS office has also created an online Google form for all societies to submit the website addresses and other details to the RCS office.
You are, therefore, requested to make the website of our society and put all the information online. This information should include the details of all members, financial transactions with purchase documents / vouchers, contracts, criteria for appointment of vendors, payments, internal and external communications, legal cases, and so on.
The website should also allow the members to register their complaints online for which you should create an online form on the website and provide an official email address. Also, all communications between the members and the management committee (MC) should be available on the society website which should be updated instantly and regularly.
While I / we (the undersigned) advise you to make the society website within a week of receiving this communication, it will be construed as an offence if you fail to make and update the website regularly.
Thanking You
Sr. No. | Name of the Member | Flat No. | Signature |
You can also click here to download the letter format.
Rakesh Raman
Editor, RMN News Service [ Website ]
Founder, RMN Foundation [ Website ]
463, DPS Apts., Plot No. 16, Sector 4
Dwarka, Phase I, New Delhi 110 078, India
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