Most Corrupt Management Committees MCs in Delhi Housing Societies

Most Corrupt Management Committees MCs in Delhi Housing Societies
The label MC-MC will be given to housing societies upon receiving the complaints from residents for different offences committed by the MC.

This title is also known as MC square or MC x MC.
By Rakesh Raman
As the incidents of crime and corruption are increasing in Delhi’s cooperative group housing societies (CGHS), the online “Clean House” editorial service reports about these incidents.
The crimes in these housing societies are being committed by the management committee (MC) members or administrators in connivance with the corrupt officials of Registrar Cooperative Societies (RCS) of Delhi Government, Delhi Development Authority (DDA), Delhi Police, Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC), and a few other departments.
The “Clean House” service – which runs as a community court – allows residents to file their complaints through an online form and after following a documented process, their cases are reported to the government authorities so that corrective actions could be taken in the reported cases.
Now as part of the “Clean House” service, a housing society where crime or corruption cases are reported by the residents will be labeled as Most Corrupt MC or MC-MC.
Explanation of Most Corrupt MC
A law-breaking housing society will be labeled as MC-MC (Most Corrupt-Management Committee). The MC-MC title is an editorial label given to those housing societies in which the MCs do not follow the law and run the society affairs lawlessly.
While the law-enforcement agencies are urged to take immediate action against such unruly MCs, the buyers and tenants are advised to stay away from housing societies labeled as MC-MC. They should not buy flats or take flats on rent in such chaotic housing societies.
[ VIDEO: दिल्ली हाउसिंग सोसायटियों में सबसे भ्रष्ट प्रबंधन समितियाँ ]
The label MC-MC will be given to housing societies upon receiving the complaints from residents for different offences committed by the MC. The MCs will be given an opportunity through a show cause notice to respond to allegations levelled against them. Some of these offences are listed below.
If the MC of a housing society has not made an exclusive website or it is not updating the website properly. Read More
If the MC of a housing society is planning or has started the floor area ratio (FAR) construction project which is a criminal activity. Read More
If the MC of a housing society continues to commit corruption crimes despite government actions. Read More
If the MC of a housing society threatens the residents who raise their voice against MC’s crime and corruption. Read More
If the MC of a housing society commits MC election frauds in connivance with the government officials. Read More
If the administrator of a housing society is not performing his / her responsibilities honestly. Read More
You can read more such cases at the “Clean House” service webpage which carries detailed information.
Like the Most Corrupt Management Committee (MC-MC) label, the Most Corrupt Administrator (MCA) label will be given to those housing societies which are controlled by administrators.
Note: A housing society can get the MC-MC label removed if the MC of the housing society does not receive any complaint from the residents continuously for one year. It should also update its website properly with all communications including complaints from residents, notices from RCS office, court cases, appointment of external firms, payments to vendors, and so on.
Subsequently, if more than 50% of residents approach the “Clean House” service with a signed letter to declare that their MC is working honestly, the “Clean House” service can consider to remove the MC-MC label from that housing society. The process will keep evolving with suggestions from the residents.
[ COMPLAINTS: You can click here to file complaint against MC members of your housing society. ]
By Rakesh Raman, who is a national award-winning journalist and social activist. He is the founder of the humanitarian organization RMN Foundation which is working in diverse areas to help the disadvantaged and distressed people in the society.
He runs a community-driven anti-corruption social service “Clean House” to help the residents of Delhi raise their voice against the growing corruption and injustice in housing societies where millions of people suffer because of rampant corruption and lawlessness.