New Hillary Clinton Video: Caught Lying Again

New Hillary Clinton Video: Caught Lying Again
The Republican National Committee (RNC) released Tuesday “Caught Lying Again,” a new video that aims to expose “Hillary Clinton’s constant dishonesty” to the American people.
The video comes on the heels of a court filing confirming that Clinton failed to turn over thousands of work-related emails, as well as her scurrilous attempt to blame former Secretary of State Colin Powell for her email scandal.
“Hillary Clinton’s pattern of dishonesty and unethical behavior knows no bounds, and there’s no doubt we will see more of the same if she’s elected president,” said RNC chairman Reince Priebus.
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Priebus said that the American people deserve better than Hillary Clinton’s ongoing deception, and with Election Day less than three months away, the State Department should expedite the review of these emails and release them in full so that voters can hold her accountable and make a fully informed choice in November.
Meanwhile, in an ongoing poll on RMN News Service, when people were asked “Who should be the next President of America?”, a whopping 46% voters said they do not want Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton in the White House. Only 30% voted for Clinton and 24% for Trump.

You can also vote in the “Your Voice” section of the site.
Photo / Video courtesy: RNC