New Tali-Thali Campaign Announced Against Modi Govt

This event ridicules Modi’s similar calls when he had asked his supporters to stand in their balconies to hit their kitchen utensils (such as Thali and Lota) and burn candles to tackle the coronavirus disease.
By Rakesh Raman
A youth political group that works under the “Yuva Halla Bol” banner has given a call for a campaign against Prime Minister (PM) Narendra Modi’s government which has failed miserably on all fronts during the past six years of its rule.
The campaign – which focuses on the worsening unemployment situation – asks the citizens of India to clap (Tali), bang their kitchen utensils (Thali), and ring the bells (Ghanti) so that Modi government could wake up from its deep slumber and provide jobs to the people.
The youth group asks people to stand in their homes on September 5, at 5 pm, for 5 minutes to clap, hit utensils, and ring the bells so that the careless Modi government could hear the voice of the people.
अब अधिकार की ये लड़ाई हर छात्र एकजुट होकर लड़ेगा। और ज़रूरत पड़ेगी तो इस मुहिम को कमज़ोर करने वालों के खिलाफ भी लड़ेगा।
हम युवाओं को रोज़गार चाहिए, हमें अपना अधिकार चाहिए!
‘युवा हल्ला बोल’ तब तक होता रहेगा जब तक कि हम अंजाम पर न पहुँचे।#PMModi_rojgarDo #5Sep5Baje #speakup
— Yuva Halla Bol | युवा-हल्लाबोल (@yuvahallabol) September 3, 2020
This planned event also ridicules Modi’s similar calls in March and April when he had asked his supporters to stand in their balconies to hit their kitchen utensils (such as Thali and Lota) and burn candles to tackle the coronavirus disease.
While Modi’s blind followers had thought that coronavirus will disappear as Modi – who is a religious demagogue – had asked them to burn candles and hit their kitchen utensils, Modi’s totka (superstitious mischief) did not work.
Instead of relying on scientific studies and their empirical findings about coronavirus, Modi has been taking erratic decisions like a cult head (baba) to decide about the lockdowns and relaxations in the country.
Today, because of Modi’s reckless decisions, India has become an epicenter of coronavirus disease and the country’s economic condition – which was already on the decline – has further exacerbated and joblessness is increasing exponentially.
By Rakesh Raman, who is a national award-winning journalist and social activist. He is the founder of a humanitarian organization RMN Foundation which is working in diverse areas to help the disadvantaged and distressed people in the society.