Photo Competition: Fight Against Corruption in Water

The Water Integrity Network (WIN) invites photographers to capture the relationship between gender, participation, and the fight against corruption in different ways, across various cultures and locations.
Participants can submit up to two photographs that examine these complex elements. The network encourages photographers to share their vision of a world working toward increased water integrity, and improved participation across genders such as:
- Non-traditional community leaders improving integrity and transparency
- Participation of all genders in management and decision-making around services
- Activists striving to hold service providers and government to account
- Overcoming obstacles to achieve equal access and fair distribution
The jury of water and media specialists will select the winning photos from the two categories; Best Overall Photo, and Best Smartphone Photo.
Winners will be announced on World Water Day, March 22, 2019. All shortlisted photos will be displayed on the WIN website.
Photo: WIN