RCS Office Orders Financial Inquiry at Mavilla Apartments of Indian Airlines CGHS

RCS Office Orders Financial Inquiry at Mavilla Apartments of Indian Airlines CGHS
It is being repeatedly observed that the RCS office holds some perfunctory inquiries into the cases of crime and corruption in housing societies.
By Rakesh Raman
The office of the Registrar Cooperative Societies (RCS) of Delhi Government has ordered an investigation into misappropriation of funds at Indian Airlines Cooperative Group Housing Society (CGHS) a.k.a. Mavilla Apartments of Mayur Vihar, Delhi.
The inquiry at Indian Airlines CGHS Ltd. has been ordered under Section 62 of DCS Act, 2003 for unauthorized diversion of an amount of Rs. 3,10,274 towards “Welcome Room Refurbishment” from the corpus collected from members and residents for other “Special Projects”.
According to an order dated 14.05.2024 from the RCS office, Gurpal Singh, Secretary to Minister of Law, Revenue & WCD, Delhi Government, has been appointed as the inquiry officer for the Indian Airlines CGHS case.
Earlier in 2020, according to the RCS order, D. Kartikeyan, ADM, New Delhi District, was appointed as the inquiry officer. But he was replaced by Vivek Tripathi, DANICS, after some complaints alleging procedural lapses and concerns from the respondents against D. Kartikeyan were raised.
A Revision Petition was filed before the higher legal forum, the Financial Commissioner, which issued the directions for the RCS office to look into the legal provisions and, if required, enable the inquiry to continue.
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The inquiry officer was asked to complete the inquiry expeditiously, preferably within three months from the date of the order and involve the petitioners in the inquiry. Accordingly with the RCS office order dated 09.12.2021, Lal Singh, Redt. ADM, was appointed as inquiry officer under Section 62 of DCS Act, 2003 to conduct the inquiry at Indian Airlines CGHS Ltd.
It is being repeatedly observed that the RCS office holds some perfunctory inquiries into the cases of crime and corruption in housing societies. But the inquiry officers submit bogus reports to exonerate the accused management committee (MC) members of housing societies.
For example, a similar inquiry was ordered at DPS CGHS, Sector 4, Dwarka, which is being run by some of the most corrupt MC members. The RCS office had appointed District Magistrate Pankaj Kumar (IAS) to investigate the crime and corruption of DPS CGHS MC members.
But Pankaj Kumar who was apparently bribed by the corrupt DPS CGHS MC members submitted a misleading report to acquit the accused DPS CGHS MC members.
As a result of his complicity in DPS CGHS corruption case and for filing a fake investigation report, Pankaj Kumar is facing a corruption investigation ordered by the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT), Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Government of India through the Cabinet Secretariat.
As a journalist and social activist, I have filed the complaint against Pankaj Kumar to DoPT. Meanwhile, in an ongoing legal case, the High Court of Delhi has said that it will issue bailable warrants against the President and the Secretary of DPS CGHS if they did not appear personally in the court.
The crimes in housing societies are increasing exponentially, because the RCS officials – who are apparently bribed by MC members – do not take punitive action against the corrupt MC members or administrators in housing societies.
By Rakesh Raman, who is a national award-winning journalist and social activist. He is the founder of the humanitarian organization RMN Foundation which is working in diverse areas to help the disadvantaged and distressed people in the society.
He also runs a community-driven anti-corruption social service “Clean House” to help the suffering residents of Delhi raise their voice against the growing corruption and injustice in housing societies where millions of people live.