Republican Party Goes Online to Ask: Which Hillary?

The Republican National Committee (RNC) released Saturday a new website “Which Hillary,” and briefing book entitled “Hillary’s Flip-Flops.”
They outline how Hillary Clinton’s belief that politicians should have “both a public and private position” on everything from trade to the FBI’s criminal investigation into her secret server.
“In her over thirty years as a Washington insider, Hillary Clinton’s two-faced approach of holding both ‘a public and private position’ is seen no better than on the dozens of issues she’s shamelessly flip-flopped on,” said RNC chairman Reince Priebus.
The U.S. presidential election is scheduled to take place Tuesday, November 8. Donald Trump is the Republican presidential nominee.
The RNC said in its statement that for Hillary Clinton, policy positions are nothing more than opportunities to score political points or campaign donations.
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In 2008, according to RNC, Clinton ran as a ‘champion of coal’ but in 2016 she promises to put ‘a lot’ of the industry’s workers and companies out of business now that she needs the support of the Democrat Party’s radical environmentalist base.
As a Senator, RNC said, she supported building a wall along our southern border, but in private she confessed to her ‘dream’ of open borders.
Perhaps most troubling of all, the Clinton campaign is undermining independent government officials like the Director of the FBI, whom they once described as ‘well-respected’ and now are smearing for re-examining the case into her secret email server, RNC stated.
“A president must be willing to make the tough decisions that will move America forward. Hillary Clinton has had the opportunity to take principled stands on issues many times throughout her career, but she has proven over and over that she will instead allow politics to dictate where she lands,” said Priebus.
You can access the new website “Which Hillary” and briefing book “Hillary’s Flip-Flops.”
Photo courtesy: RNC