Rights of Residents and Reckless Response from President of India Office

Rights of Residents and Reckless Response from President of India Office
After sending a casual response to me, the bureaucrats in the President’s office simply ignored the rights of people in Delhi.
Since the government in India is highly corrupt and courts do not work honestly, I had formally sent a representation to the office of the President of India Mr. Ram Nath Kovind to get the environmental and human rights of the people protected.
The President’s office assigned Registration No: PRSEC/E/2021/31394 dated 04.11.2021 to my complaint. However, instead of resolving the problem, the bureaucrats in his office sent me a casual, reckless email.
In response, I sent the following rejoinder on November 12, 2021 while the President and his staff have ignored the environmental and human rights of the people in Delhi. [ You can click here to download and read the email interaction. ]
Reference: Registration No: PRSEC/E/2021/31394 dated 04.11.2021
Dear President of India,
Thanks for the email from your office. However, I am shocked to receive this casual email while I had specifically requested you to study and decide the case in your office instead of carelessly forwarding it to some other department. This is because this case is about an emergency situation to instantly stop construction and pollution in Delhi’s housing societies.
However, the careless bureaucrats in your office have done exactly what I had asked them not to do. I would not have sent this request to you if other departments such as the Environment Ministry (which is a respondent in my representation) were working honestly.
Instead of issuing clear directions to the government departments to immediately stop construction / pollution, your office has acted as a mere post office to deliver my email to some random department to which I have already approached. I have received dozens of such casual official letters, but the construction crime has not stopped.
Then what is the purpose of the President’s office if it also has to work like any other careless government department which is full of delinquent employees? Such reckless bureaucrats have already ruined our country which merely exists as an underdeveloped piece of land. The bureaucrats in your office have carelessly discarded such a crucial case without even studying it when citizens of the country are facing virtual extinction because of lethal pollution.
Although I do not expect a positive or corrective response from your office because it is also part of the same lawlessness that is rampant in India, I urge you once again to carefully study the attached 67-page representation that I had sent to you. And if your conscience permits it, please issue clear-cut directions for the Delhi Government / Central Government to immediately stop construction / pollution in housing societies to protect people’s lives and rights. I am more concerned because I am also a victim of this scourge as this harmful construction is happening in my housing society also.
Request for an instant response. My mobile: 9810319059.
But unfortunately I did not get any response from the President’s office while the environmental and human rights of the people are getting violated.