Sampathkumar Gang Case: Delhi Police Urged to Take Action

Sampathkumar Gang Case: Delhi Police Urged to Take Action
While Sampath Kumar’s threats to me are increasing, I have urged Delhi Police to take action against him so that I could work peacefully without any fear of Sampath Kumar or his accomplices.
UPDATE: This case has been updated on January 12, 2024.
By Rakesh Raman
As a journalist and social activist, I run various environment protection, human rights protection, education awareness, and anti-corruption campaigns. In order to thwart my editorial and anti-corruption efforts, criminals constantly send multiple threats including death threats to me.
The details of these threats have been documented in the files of Delhi Police and the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) of India which has issued notice to the Commissioner of Delhi Police in my case so that I could work and move freely.
Now, one of these criminals M. N. Sampath Kumar (also written as Sampathkumar) – who is a serial offender and has been harassing me for the past many years – has intensified his attacks against me by filing false complaints against me, as I have been writing and complaining about his criminal activities.
Since in response to the complaints filed by me, M. N. Sampath Kumar has been facing multiple government inquiries (documents / exhibits given) for his acts of crime and corruption, he has become extremely vindictive against me.
In his revengeful act, M. N. Sampath Kumar has been filing false police complaints against me, sending threats of physical harm to me, sending me expulsion notices to get me expelled from my home, sending legal notices to implicate me in false cases, and making slanderous attacks on my social as well as professional status.

Thus, M. N. Sampath Kumar (pictured left, photo: web) has been making repeated attempts to attack my editorial freedom while I have named him in my editorial articles to expose his criminal activities.
With his evil desire to intimidate and defame me, M.N. Sampath Kumar has been sending various threats to me to silence my voice against his crimes. As a journalist and anti-corruption activist, I have been reporting about the crimes and corruption of M.N. Sampath Kumar and his accomplices.
And my articles carry facts as well as government investigation documents to expose M.N. Sampath Kumar’s wrongdoings. Sampath Kumar has been trying to harass and defame me with his lies, totally false assertions, and unsubstantiated allegations against me for the past many years. Since I have been reporting about Sampath Kumar’s wrongdoings, he is leaving no stone unturned to suppress my voice as a journalist.
With his repeated threats to me, M.N. Sampath Kumar is making a blatant attempt to attack my fundamental right of freedom of speech and expression provided under Article 19 of the Constitution.
And I have written my articles about Sampath Kumar and his accomplices as an established journalist as I write about dozens of other criminals, bureaucrats, judges, or politicians by name (in India and abroad) who are involved in any criminal activity.
I have been writing about Sampath Kumar on my news site with full facts supported by government documents which either reveal Sampath Kumar’s involvement in crimes or various investigations launched against him and his accomplices.
While Sampath Kumar’s threats to me are increasing, I have urged Delhi Police to take action against him so that I could work peacefully without any fear of Sampath Kumar or his accomplices.
You can click here to know more about the criminal activities (including evidence) of Sampath Kumar and click here to know more about the criminal activities at DPS CGHS, Sector 4, Dwarka, New Delhi where Sampath Kumar and his gang members operate.
By Rakesh Raman, who is a national award-winning journalist and social activist. He is the founder of the humanitarian organization RMN Foundation which is working in diverse areas to help the disadvantaged and distressed people in the society. He has been running for the past 6 years a community-driven anti-corruption social service “Clean House” to help the suffering residents of Delhi raise their voice against the growing corruption and injustice in housing societies where millions of people live.