Sampathkumar Gang of DPS CGHS Loses False Expulsion Case

There is a possibility that some members may go to the police to get their money back from the DPS CGHS MC which has cheated them in the name of FAR construction or building repairs.
By Rakesh Raman
Delhi’s notorious Sampathkumar Gang (or S-Gang) which operates from DPS CGHS, Sector 4, Dwarka received another setback when it lost an expulsion case that it had filed with a false complaint to get me expelled from the Society.
With the help of his accomplices, M.N. Sampathkumar – who worked as an infamous secretary of the DPS CGHS – had filed a frivolous complaint against me at the court of Registrar Cooperative Society (RCS) of the Delhi Government.
This is the second time in the past couple of years that Sampathkumar and his gang members who operate as the management committee (MC) of DPS CGHS lost the case of expulsion filed against me. With its new order dated 03.11.2020, the RCS court dismissed the MC’s complaint and the DPS CGHS MC lost the case again.
I am facing repeated threats from Sampathkumar and his gang members because I have been raising my voice against their corruption, fraud, and other crimes.
In order to suppress my voice against their crimes, Sampathkumar and his gang members have sent multiple threats to me during the past few years. These threats include false police complaints against me, threats of physical harm to me, expulsion notices, legal notices, and slanderous attacks on my social as well as professional status to defame me.
But I am not deterred, as I am determined to get Sampathkumar and his gang members caught and jailed. In response to my recent efforts to get them prosecuted and imprisoned, a District Magistrate has been appointed to investigate the financial and other crimes of Sampathkumar and his accomplices.
As Sampathkumar and his gang members including builders’ mafia have been trying to evade government investigations against them, it is possible that they will try to get the District Magistrate investigation also scuttled.
Since I have thought about this possibility, I have already chalked out my future plan to get Sampathkumar and his gang members prosecuted and punished.
The floor area ratio (FAR) construction work – which is illegal in occupied housing societies – has not been happening at DPS CGHS for the past many months. Sampathkumar and his gang members are spreading the rumours that I have got the FAR construction stopped that they had started in the building illegally.
But that is not true. And if it is true that FAR construction has stopped because of my complaints, then the Sampathkumar gang members (DPS CGHS MC members) must formally inform other members about this fact through the Society’s website and letters.

Since the Sampathkumar (pictured left) gang members (DPS CGHS MC members) are telling blatant lies, it appears that the FAR construction has stopped because of DPS CGHS MC’s conflicts with construction companies.
Although the DPS CGHS MC members are taking lakhs of rupees from each member for FAR construction, it is likely that they are not giving the money to construction companies as the MC members would have embezzled / stolen members’ money. Therefore, construction companies would have stopped the work.
It is being observed that because of illegal and harmful construction that Sampathkumar gang members have started at DPS CGHS, residents are either leaving the Society to live at safer places outside or some are dying. Since the construction is not expected to resume, the members must demand their money back from the DPS CGHS MC.
There is a possibility that some members may go to the police to get their money back from the DPS CGHS MC which has cheated them in the name of FAR construction or building repairs.
Sampathkumar and his gang members are aware of this possibility of police complaints against them for this construction-related fraud. That’s why it is learnt that Sampathkumar and his gang members are planning to leave their homes (some of them have already left) to run away and go underground to avoid police action.
Under these circumstances, the Society members whose money has been looted by Sampathkumar and his accomplices must ask the police to launch nationwide search operations to find and catch the looters so that the members could take their money back.
The main accused in this case are the DPS CGHS MC members, their supporters in construction crimes, and the construction companies which are responsible for FAR construction or deceptive repairs. The names of the accused are:
MC Members – Neeraj Kumar Vaish, M.N. Sampathkumar, R. Balasubramanian, Ms. Leela Swami, Sandeep Taneja, Manguram Tyagi, and Ms. Naseem Afshaque.
Members in Construction Crimes: Dilip Rozekar, M.M.Shukla, C.B. Swami, Pranav Kulshreshtha, Ravinder Sharma, O.P. Khanduja, Manish Bisht, Kaushik Banerjee, Narender Kumar, L.S. Thakur, Gaurav Sood, Sunil Bansal, Dr. Alok Varshney, Vineet Dua, Kashmera Randhawa, and Vikas Sharma.
Construction Companies: Vivek & Arti Architects, Om Star Constructions, Design N Design Architects, Team Professional Consultant, and others.
Their addresses have been given to the law-enforcement agencies. If an accused person dies during the prosecution, his/her legal heir will be liable and face the consequences.
Note: You can click here to study the criminal record of present and past DPS CGHS MC members and their accomplices.
Free Anti-Corruption Service: This report on DPS CGHS is part of our “Clean House” anti-corruption social service, which covers cases of crime and corruption in Delhi’s cooperative group housing societies.
You can click here to know more about this service.
By Rakesh Raman, who is a national award-winning journalist and social activist. He is the founder of a humanitarian organization RMN Foundation which is working in diverse areas to help the disadvantaged and distressed people in the society.