Startups from Taiwan Tech Arena Win 13 Innovation Awards

Taiwan Tech Arena
Taiwan Tech Arena

Under the initiative of Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST) of Taiwan, Taiwan Tech Arena (TTA) organized a delegation of startups for CES 2020 led by Deputy Minister Dr. Yu-Chin Hsu during January 7th to 10th.

With 82 startups who have been selected by Consumer Technology Association and venture capitals from Silicon Valley, TTA built up a pavilion at Eureka Park and won 13 Innovation Awards.

“The growth of the numbers of awards shows that Taiwan’s scientific and technological innovation power is internationally recognized. It is not only making Taiwan an iconic place for startups, but also highlighting the achievements and determination of TTA to support our teams,” said Dr. Yu-Chin Hsu.

The TTA delegation ranked the third-largest participating country in Eureka Park this year, second to France and South Korea, showcasing Taiwan’s technology in 3 major areas including AI, intellectual technology, and health care.

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The winners of Innovation Awards are:

LuluPet: AI smart cat litter box is the world’s first litter box with built-in stool and urine image recognize and excretory behavioral algorithms.

AgriTalk: Provides customizable AI that tells the soil microbiome distribution and nutrients left inside the soil.

AuthenTrend: Brings fingerprint enabled security authenticators from personal to business, from centralization to decentralization.

Taiwan user-friendly sensor & technology: Develops a portable device providing rapidly food test results.

ible Technology: Develops a compact but powerful wearable air purifier.

Brilliant OptronicsProvides multi-function smart window film that can be switched between transparent, tint, privacy protection and image displaying state.

Rice Ear: Develops Apple home kit and personal air purifier.

Nestech Corporation: Offers customized access control solution with hardware and software.

Happy Island Tech: Develops GALERDO Baker Pro which is a headset free swim audio tracker based on real-time AI voice feedback for the lane swimmers.

Yun yun AI Baby Camera: Develops a smart baby monitor using AI to send proactive alerts that safeguard babies and toddlers.

Jarvish: Develops mass-market smart safety helmets.

Ganzin: Focuses on creating the next generation eye tracking modules that can be easily integrated into AR/VR modules to help unlock the potential of the eye as a seamless interface into the extended reality world.

Mindtronic AI: Focuses on automotive product design and diversifying into mobile and consumer electronics.

Launched in June 2018, TTA is a pioneer program funded by the MoST. The program aims to connect global resources, build a more high-tech startup friendly ecosystem, and foster high-tech entrepreneurship in Taiwan.

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Rakesh Raman