The Real Anthony Fauci: Book Explains How Fauci Profits from Sickness

The Real Anthony Fauci provides a behind-the-scenes portrait of “America’s Doctor” detailing his experiments not only on animals but also on young Black and Hispanic children.
Children’s Health Defense’s (CHD) board chair and lead counsel Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci, is available in bookstores throughout the U.S. and Canada, beginning November 16, According to a CHD statement, the author’s latest work promises to “alarm every American—Democrat or Republican—who cares about democracy, our Constitution, and the future of our children’s health.”
At a time when people the world over are trying to understand how the Covid pandemic actually came about and questioning whether it may have been better handled by public health agencies, readers will become familiar with a side of Dr. Fauci that has thus far been kept out of the headlines.
According to the author, as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Dr. Anthony Fauci dispenses $6.1 billion in annual taxpayer-provided funding for scientific research.
“The research I conducted for my new book exposes how Fauci’s gargantuan yearly disbursements allow him to dictate the subject, content and outcome of scientific health research across the globe,” says Kennedy. “My book also reveals how Fauci and his cohorts in Pharma profit handsomely from sickness — but not so much from good health.”
According to the CHD statement, the book not only covers the current health crisis but details Dr. Fauci’s long history at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) including his tenure at the NIAID and his handling of the AIDS epidemic.
“Fauci created a template that he’s used over and over for the last 45 years, to develop toxic drug after toxic drug,” said Kennedy. “He eliminated early treatments, and suppressed any protocols that competed with his pharmaceutical enterprise. A lot of people have suffered or died as a result.”
According to CHD, readers will be informed about:
The most likely reasons the U.S. is at the top of worldwide Covid deaths
How the Covid response was mishandled from the start
How Big Pharma and the public health agencies have lied to the American people
How, for over two decades, Bill Gates, Big Pharma and their cronies have been preparing for a bioterrorism epidemic through pandemic exercises, orchestrating over a dozen pandemic simulations that militarized and monetized a response that neglected public health
The lack of transparent data and decisions not based on science coupled with the suppression of treatments and a “vaccine only” agenda that caused millions of Americans and people around the world to die needlessly
How there is no scientific justification whatsoever for vaccinating healthy children, who are at very low risk of suffering any side effects from the Covid virus, with an experimental vaccine that lacks long-term safety studies
How Dr. Fauci has overseen and captured a huge drug incubation laboratory, the NIAID, where he has produced profitable, patentable drugs for the pharma cartel
The CHD statement adds that The Real Anthony Fauci provides an in-depth behind-the-scenes portrait of “America’s Doctor” detailing his experiments not only on animals but also on young Black and Hispanic children trapped in the welfare system.
“This book presents a shocking, nightmare-inducing history of failed public health programs, not to mention the huge waste of taxpayer dollars that funded horrific and inhumane studies,” said CHD executive director Laura Bono. “The use of vulnerable, and sometimes orphaned, children as guinea pigs needs to be investigated to the fullest extent.”