Top Bureaucrats Named in the Widehouse Corruption Scandal of Delhi

Top Bureaucrats Named in the Widehouse Corruption Scandal of Delhi
This report (for which the link is given below) includes Widehouse corruption scandal facts, figures, names of accused officials, government documents, infographics, photographs, video links, and the actions expected from the Indian and international law-enforcement agencies.
By Rakesh Raman
The citywide construction-cum-corruption racket – termed as Widehouse Corruption Scandal – is being run by local criminals who operate as management committee (MC) members of Delhi’s cooperative group housing societies (CGHS) in connivance with crooked politicians, corrupt bureaucrats, complicit police officials, dishonest members of judiciary, and builders’ mafia.
After the criminal enterprise of Nazi Germany during the Holocaust for the genocide of millions of European Jews, the Widehouse corruption scandal is the largest organized massacre not only in India but also in the world. In this criminal attack, millions of people are victims of a single crime which is being brazenly supported by the Indian government to harm its own citizens.
As a journalist and anti-corruption activist, I have been fighting against this scandal for the past few years. While I am facing constant threats including death threats for my editorial and anti-corruption work, I have written a number of reports to highlight the crimes in the scandal. This report – as an update – aims to sensitize law-enforcement agencies in India and abroad and seek their help so that this genocidal crime could be stopped in Delhi.
[ You can click here to download and study the complete Widehouse scandal report. ]
I have received dozens of letters from different government departments to inform me that the action is being taken against the accused officials. However, no action has been taken during the past couple of years and the lethal construction continues. Some of the government letters are reproduced in the report and more of these letters are included in the hyperlinked documents given in this report.
CRIMES IN THE CASE: Corruption, Rent-Seeking, Human Rights Violations, Environmental Crimes [ Ecocide ], Misuse of Authority, Criminal Conspiracy, Extortion, Intention to Harm Citizens, Anti-national / Unlawful Activities, Crimes Against Humanity.
As stated before, the Widehouse scandal is a citywide construction-cum-corruption racket being run by local criminals who operate as MC members of housing societies and get support from criminal politicians, corrupt bureaucrats, complicit police officials, dishonest members of judiciary, and builders’ mafia.
The estimated annual corruption money involved in this scandal is hundreds (or may be thousands) of crores of rupees (equivalent to millions of dollars) and nearly 2 million (20 lakh) residents are the direct victims in this criminal case. If not stopped, the harmful construction will continue in Delhi for many years – even until 2030.

I have given it the name Widehouse, because this scandal is being run under the garb of widening the occupied houses where men, women (including senior citizens), and children are living. The expansion of existing houses is being imposed on residents to extort money from them.
If you just see the photographs and video links provided in the report of construction happening in the housing societies, you will find that the corrupt officials are allowing a heinous environmental crime which is posing serious health threats and apparently causing deaths of residents.
The Registrar Cooperative Societies (RCS) office of Delhi Government is supposed to regulate and supervise the functioning of housing societies. But the RCS officials are so corrupt that they brazenly violate the Delhi Cooperative Societies Act (DCS Act) to protect the corrupt MC members who regularly bribe the RCS officials.
When the aggrieved residents complain against the criminal MC members of their housing societies, the RCS officials ignore their complaints and refuse to follow the DCS Act because they are bribed by the MC members who use public funds of society members to bribe the government officials.
Since the Delhi Government politicians also take their share of the bribes running into crores of rupees, they do not take any action against the corrupt RCS officials. As a result, the ordinary residents who complain against the MC members keep suffering while corruption is spreading rapidly.
The dangerous construction – under a criminal floor area ratio (FAR) scheme – in hundreds of occupied housing societies where hundreds of thousands of people (men, women, children, and senior citizens) live is spreading lethal dust pollution, noise pollution, and air pollution and causing serious accidents. Despite numerous complaints from the residents during the past couple of years, the authorities have not stopped construction and corruption.

Although a number of departments and officials are involved in this scandal, the criminal MC members mainly collude with the corrupt officials of Delhi Development Authority (DDA), Registrar Cooperative Societies (RCS) office of Delhi Government, Delhi Fire Service (DFS), Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC), and Delhi Police.
In some cases where the illegal construction is challenged and stopped, the MC members bribe the court judges to get the unauthorized construction resumed. The court judges are so corrupt that even when the cases do not fall under their jurisdiction, they take bribes to allow illegal construction. While the whole system is corrupt, there is no punishment for bureaucratic corruption and judicial corruption.
A number of corrupt government functionaries, MC members, and companies of builders’ mafia are involved in the Widehouse corruption scandal. A thorough and transparent investigation can catch all the culprits. However, the names of a few accused officials, the builders’ mafia leaders, and their accomplices are given in the report.
Special Proposal: Since top Indian politicians, bureaucrats, and members of judiciary are involved in the Widehouse scandal, a fair prosecution in this case cannot happen in India. Therefore, an international court must be set up to prosecute and punish Widehouse criminals. The proposed court will work on the lines of the International Military Tribunal which was constituted at Nuremberg to prosecute Nazi war criminals for crimes against peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity.
Appeal: While I urge you to help me protect the rights and lives of people in Delhi, you can click here to download and study the 43-page report which includes exhibits, official documents, photographs, video links related to the Widehouse corruption scandal, and other hyperlinked documents.
Note: The 43-page report mentioned above is protected with a password. If you want to get the full report, you can send me your contact details (including name, address, mobile phone number, email address, etc.) at my email given below.
Rakesh Raman
Editor, RMN News Service [ Website ]
Founder, RMN Foundation [ Website ]
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