Trump Asks Iran to Release Detained American Hostages

President Donald Trump and his Administration are redoubling efforts to bring home all Americans unjustly detained abroad.
According to a White House statement released last week, the United States condemns hostage takers and nations that continue to take hostages and detain U.S. citizens without just cause or due process.
For nearly forty years, according to the statement, Iran has used detentions and hostage taking as a tool of state policy, a practice that continues to this day with the recent sentencing of Xiyue Wang to ten years in prison. Iran is responsible for the care and well-being of every United States citizen in its custody, the statement added.
President Trump urged Iran to return Robert Levinson home, who has been held for over 10 years, and demands Iran release Siamak and Baquer Namazi, who were taken during the Obama Administration, along with all other American citizens unjustly detained by Iran.
It was stated that President Trump is prepared to impose new and serious consequences on Iran unless all unjustly imprisoned American citizens are released and returned.