Trump Wins White House. But Can He Make America Great Again?

Although Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were delivering loud hate speeches against each other, they have not yet given any solution to the persisting problems that are troubling Americans.
By Rakesh Raman
After nearly 20 months of campaign rigmarole, the U.S. presidential election came to an end Tuesday when the Republican candidate Donald Trump won the race to become the 45th President of America.
With his campaign message “Make America Great Again” Trump defeated his Democrat rival Hillary Clinton, who was considered an establishment candidate.
The vote for Trump is, in fact, a vote for change as most Americans believed that President Barack Obama has almost ruined the country in his eight years of rule.
Although Trump has promised to make America great again, the truth is that today America is in such a bad shape that no ordinary politician can save it from the impending crises.
Picture this:
– Today, one in three Americans has absolutely nothing saved for retirement.
– One in five Americans expects to die in debt.
– 45 million people – or one in seven Americans – are living in poverty.
– One in six Americans is struggling with hunger.
– With nearly 50 million poor and swelling debt that has crossed $19 trillion (click here for real-time debt clock), America is being counted as another poor country of the world.
– Plus, America is facing extreme racism, terrorism, street fights, gun violence, joblessness, and whatnot.
Although Trump and Hillary Clinton were delivering loud hate speeches against each other during their campaigns, they have not yet given any solution to the persisting problems that are troubling Americans.
Since Hillary Clinton expressed that he wanted to follow the Obama policies, people voted against her because all Obama policies have failed and America continues to be in a miserable state.
Plus, it is believed that Wikileaks played a major role in Clinton’s defeat, as the secret information delivery service released thousands of documents that revealed about her objectionable e-mails obtained from her secret server when she was the U.S. Secretary of State.
Although the FBI had opened and closed the e-mail case just a couple of days before the Tuesday’s election, most voters in America believed that Clinton can’t be trusted.
So, they voted for businessman-turned-politician Trump despite his hate speeches and foul language against women, Muslims, immigrants, American media, and even his colleagues in the Republican Party.
Trump will begin his four-year term as President after the Inauguration Day ceremony on January 20, 2017.
By Rakesh Raman, who is a government award-winning journalist and runs free school for deserving children under his NGO – RMN Foundation.
Photo courtesy: Trump / Twitter