Ukraine Is to Russia what Syria Is to America

As the things are developing, it appears that both Russia and the U.S. are hell-bent to grab what doesn’t belong to them.
While the U.S. is unnecessarily meddling with the internal affairs of Syria under the pretext of attacking the ISIL militants, Russia has annexed Ukraine with the aim to extend its regime in a land that doesn’t belong to it.
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Both the attacking nations are witnessing protests from their citizens, asking them to avoid wars.

Reacting to the the U.S. airstrikes against Syria on Monday, America is facing a series of protests back home against its decision to begin a new war. Local citizens have planned to hold nationwide demonstrations from Sept. 23 – 28 to oppose the bombing of Syria and Iraq.
Similarly, thousands of protesters took part in a peaceful march on Sunday in Moscow while demanding an end to the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine.
Photos: Screen grabs from the video