UN Applauds the Deal on Iranian Nuclear Programme

The United Nations has welcomed the agreement reached between international negotiators and the Government of Iran as the two parties pave the way for a viable solution on the Gulf country’s nuclear programme and towards possible peace in the region.
Describing the deal between Tehran and the so-called ‘E3+3’ as “historic” in a statement on Tuesday, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon applauded all parties for their resolution of the long-standing diplomatic negotiations as “a testament to the value of dialogue.”
The Secretary-General lauded both the ‘E3+3’ – composed of China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States and more commonly labelled as the ‘P5+1’ – and Iran for their “vital contribution” in laying the foundation towards a more peaceful and stable future for both the region and the world.
[ Also Read: Plan to Prevent Iran from Getting a Nuclear Weapon ]
The UN, he concluded, would stand ready “to fully cooperate” with the parties as they proceeded in the implementation of the “historic and important agreement.”
In a similarly toned statement issued in Vienna, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General, Yukiya Amano, also congratulated Iran and the ‘E3+3’ for having reached a positive conclusion to their “many months of tireless negotiations.”
As a result of the agreement, the IAEA will now be asked to monitor and verify the nuclear-related measures set out by all parties as part of the UN agency’s ongoing verification process of the Iranian nuclear programme.