UN Condemns Terrorist Attack on Spanish Embassy in Libya

The head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) Bernardino León has condemned the latest terrorist attack in the Libyan capital of Tripoli in which the Spanish Embassy was targeted.
Reportedly, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) had attacked the embassy on Monday. The attack didn’t result in any loss of life, though some property damage is reported. The bomb attack had damaged a part of the compound’s exterior wall but incurring no casualties, UN said quoting media reports.
The incident is also the most recent in a series of attacks against foreign embassies including those of the Republic of Korea and Morocco.
In a statement released Tuesday, UNSMIL said the attack against the Spanish embassy should serve as “a reminder that the continuing fighting and political instability contribute to providing the safe ground for terrorists to operate and expand” throughout Libya.
Important Note
While terrorist attacks and human rights violations are happening at an alarming rate all across the world, the UN has failed miserably in finding peaceful solution to any of the conflicts. The UN Secretary-General and other top UN officials are doing nothing to stop terrorism and other crimes except issuing statements which are utterly useless and meaningless.
In the given situation, the UN member countries must challenge the role of this intergovernmental organization and stop financing it. All the funds given by the member states are being squandered by the UN which is now overstaffed with unskilled officials. Believe me, UN has lost its relevance.
“UNSMIL urges the Libyans to press ahead with their efforts to reach a political agreement to restore peace and stability, as well as strengthen the State institutions to combat terrorism,” the statement added.
The bombing comes at a time when national stakeholders are gathered to reach a mediated settlement to Libya’s continuing fighting.
According to the UN, the latest round of political talks, in fact, are currently underway in Skhirat, Morocco with parties expected to present their remarks regarding the overall framework outlined in the Draft Agreement on the Political Transition in Libya.