Urgent Warning: Beware of Aam Aadmi Party
Arvind Kejriwal is running AAP as a sole proprietorship firm. He is not only ignoring his peers in the party, but he is arrogantly letting down others including donors, volunteers, voters, and Delhi citizens.
By Rakesh Raman

When I first got a whiff of this “United AAP” thing, I thought it’s a splinter group of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), as the party is falling apart faster than you think.
But after studying about it, I realized “United AAP” is either an independent entity or a frontal outfit formed with covert or overt support of AAP.
However, “United AAP” claims that it is providing financial assistance to AAP and has already contributed over Rs. 1.5 crore (roughly $250,000 USD) to the party of novices.
And now it has embarked upon an uphill task of uniting the AAP leaders who are at daggers drawn with each other in less than a month of forming the Delhi government.
Plus, a couple of sting operations allege that the top AAP leaders – including Arvind Kejriwal who is the Chief Minister of Delhi – are not only corrupt but they are communal also.
Moreover, independent findings reveal that AAP is criminalizing politics like other political parties in India. A leading think tank Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR), supported by a political watchdog Delhi Election Watch, had revealed before the Delhi election that 23 (33%) of 70 AAP candidates have declared criminal cases against themselves in their affidavits.
Out of these 23 AAP candidates with criminal records, 22 have won the recent election and they are now part of the AAP government in Delhi.
Thus, the idea of AAP is based on 3Cs: Corruption, Communalism, and Criminalization. Also, most of the top AAP leaders are incompetent and lack administrative skills to serve the masses. That’s why they are ignoring public sentiment and quarrelling with each other.
As the things stand today, there are more dissenting voices in AAP than perhaps the number of its leaders. Instead of working for the people of Delhi, Kejriwal is wasting all his time to suppress the internal party rebellion.
[ Can Aam Aadmi Party Stay United? No Way. ]
Then who can keep such a bunch of fighting foxes together?
“United AAP” believes it can. How? “#UnitedAAP is an independent opinion gathering forum that evaluates the mood of supporters and sympathizers of Aam Aadmi Party,” screams a message on its newly created website.
In other words, “United AAP” is doing some online surveys on the AAP donors to know their opinions on various issues affecting the party.
For example, 93% said in a survey that they are disappointed with internal crisis in AAP and over 81% believed that their impression on AAP is dented by the crisis. And a whopping 78% are worried because their voice is not being heard by AAP leaders.
If AAP is ignoring its donors, you can imagine the sorry plight of common Delhi citizens who had high expectations from Kejriwal and his team and voted for them.
Citizens’ hopes are shattered by the arrogance and corrupt practices of AAP leaders, as revealed by the dissidents. Now a slew of AAP leaders are adding fuel to the fire by giving naïve and conflicting statements to defend their wrongdoings.
[ No Democracy in India. It Is Parliamentary Dictatorship. ]
Although “United AAP” must be an important stakeholder in the entire AAP scheme of things because Kejriwal’s party consumes its money, the donors’ party can’t keep AAP leaders together.
Why? Because AAP is a group of trainee politicians who entered politics just a couple of years ago after betraying a social activist Anna Hazare when he was leading a nationwide campaign against corruption in India. Kejriwal was leading the betrayers and formed AAP.
That’s why the party’s underlying philosophy is still based on betrayal and one-upmanship. Its leaders cannot stay together because they don’t have any common ideology. The only common link between them is their greed for political power that goaded them to form AAP. Now when their selfish needs are not met, they resort to open-air mudslinging against each other.
Although Kejriwal – the self-styled gang lord of AAP – is quelling internal opposition by applying brute force, he will be mistaken if he thinks that the party is free from rebellion after the recent expulsion of a couple of rebels from AAP.
Some more AAP leaders have started sending subtle innuendos that they are not happy without a government benefit. For example, an AAP leader Ashutosh tweeted recently “politics is deceptive and he is not fit for politics.”
Then what is he doing in politics? It goes without saying that politics is deceptive. While Kejriwal and his clique have decided to play this deceptive political game because they are relishing power, others like Ashutosh curse politics because they are not being allowed by Kejriwal to enjoy its benefits.
Currently, Kejriwal is running AAP as a sole proprietorship firm. He is not only ignoring his peers in the party, but he is arrogantly letting down others including donors, volunteers, voters, and Delhi citizens.
‘United AAP” is not the only independent group that is trying to provide feedback from external stakeholders to AAP or Kejriwal, but there are other efforts also being made to collect and provide such reactions to the party so it could work collectively and honestly.
For example, the “Bring Swaraj back into AAP” petition on Change.org site states, “The decision on 4th March 2015 by AAP’s PAC (Political Affairs Committee) to remove two members, Prashant Bhushan and Yogendra Yadav, smacks of arbitrariness and lack of transparency.”
Another online petition urges AAP Lok Pal (ombudsman) to hold an inquiry into the proceedings and resolution passed in the party’s national executive committee meeting held on March 4th.
When the respondents were asked in an online survey: “Do you think there is enough internal democracy in the party?”, nearly 90% of over 11,000 people said “No.”
But such external endeavors won’t influence Kejriwal who is a cunning and thick-skinned politician. He uses only cooked up findings that suit his evil plans.
For example, after swearing by his children that he won’t take Congress support to form Delhi government in 2013, he formed the government with Congress’ help saying that people wanted him to do so.
In fact, neither there was any exercise to seek public opinion nor was there any feedback from Delhi people that he should join hands with Congress. He deceived the Delhi public.
He did it again with an attempt to break Congress legislators deceptively, as revealed by the recent secret tape of his conversation with a former AAP leader Rajesh Garg.
The people – voters, donors, and volunteers – who are supporting AAP will soon realize that it’s the most poisonous outfit in the Indian politics. Other political parties are honestly corrupt. But AAP is cunningly corrupt. And Kejriwal himself is behind this dangerous AAP idea. He is like a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
He is such a cheat that when he travels in the expensive business class of a plane, he changes the definition of aam aadmi (common man) to justify his decision. When he decides to live in a palatial government bungalow, he starts calling it an ordinary flat.
When he wants to behave like a dictator in the party, he changes the definition of Swaraj. According to Kejriwal, Swaraj is applicable only if you follow his diktat. When he has to throw his colleagues out of the party, he changes the rules of consensus. And when he has to shirk work, he becomes Chief Minister without responsibility.
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But with all these tricks, Kejriwal has succeeded in enticing thousands of volunteers and supporters most of whom are intellectually challenged junkies. They fail to understand a simple fact that Kejriwal is using them as a toilet paper. He ignores them after winning the election. That’s what the above stated surveys reveal.
But you can’t stop those who want to live in a fool’s paradise. Only God can save the blind fans of Kejriwal from his deceptive claws. Meanwhile, I can only say: Beware of Kejriwal and his AAP and stay away from this political gimmickry.
By Rakesh Raman, the managing editor of RMN Company
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