Vladimir Putin Opens Direct Line with Russians

On June 20, 2019, at 12 pm, the annual special Direct Line with Russian President Vladimir Putin will be broadcast live by Channel One, Rossiya 1, Rossiya 24, NTV, Public Television of Russia and Mir TV channels, and Mayak, Vesti FM and Radio Rossii radio stations.
According to a Kremlin statement, the President will answer questions regarding public, political and socioeconomic life in the country as well as international affairs.
People can ask their questions by calling, sending a text or MMS message, and via the programme’s website or a special mobile application.
Questions for Direct Line will also be accepted from users of Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki social networks, where apart from writing text messages, users can submit a recorded video with their question for the President.
In addition, users of the Moskva-Putinu and OK Live applications will be able to contact the Direct Line studio during the live session.
Questions are being accepted from 8 am Moscow Time from June 9 up until the end of the programme on June 20. Calls can be made from any part of Russia to the following toll-free number: 8 (800) 200 4040.
Calls from both mobile phones and landlines are free of charge. Calls to the message processing centre from abroad can be made to the following phone numbers: +7 (499) 550 4040, +7 (495) 539 4040.
Mobile text and multimedia messages can be sent free of charge to the number 04040 from telephone numbers issued by Russian mobile operators. Questions should be written in Russian and contain no more than 70 characters.
Questions to the President can also be posted on the website www.moskva-putinu.ru, or москва-путину.рф. This page also contains detailed information on the upcoming Direct Line, ways to get in touch with the Unified Message Processing Centre, as well as on previous sessions.
The official Moskva – Putinu application for mobile devices can also be used to submit questions. The official groups in the VKontakte and Odnoklassniki social networks are vk.com/moskvaputinu и ok.ru/moskvaputinu.
On June 20, Public Television of Russia (OTR) will provide sign language interpreting, which will also appear on the programme’s website.