What are the Secrets of Inspiring Women?

Want to know the secrets of inspiring women? Ask Levi’s. The jeans brand and Pictory have announced “Secrets of Inspiring Women” — a Levi’s-sponsored photographic showcase celebrating inspirational women on Pictorymag.com. 

Inspired by Shape What’s to Come,  Levi’s global initiative and web community which is designed to inspire and empower millennial women, photographers were invited to submit self-portraits and tell the story of getting to where they are as a woman, their mentors along the way, how they’re impacting others and share advice for the next generation.

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“Pictory is thrilled to partner with the Levi’s brand to enable young women to tell the stories behind the pursuit of their passions and potential through photography,” said Pictory founder Laura Brunow Miner.  

Photographer Maren Celest joined Laura to guest curate the showcase.

“We are building on this legacy to help young women shape their futures. The Pictory ‘Secrets of Inspiring Women’ photographic showcase is a perfect vehicle for women to share the stories of their inspiration, growth and desire to shape what’s to come,” said Mary Alderete, VP of Levi’s Global Women’s Marketing.

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ShapeWhatsToCome.com recently launched in the United States, United Kingdom and Japan.

Twenty inspiring millennial “ambassadors”, engaged by the Levi’s brand and living in the U.S., UK and Japan, ranging from up-and-coming artists and performers to twenty-something entrepreneurs and advocates for social change, will enrich the community with the fruits of their efforts, said Levi’s.

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Millennial celebrities, who are shaping the future, including Zooey Deschanel of She & Him and singer/songwriter Janelle Monae hosted videocasts on Shape What’s to Come sharing their personal journeys. 

Millennial women can join the discussion at www.shapewhatstocome.com.

Pictorymag.com is a showcase for people around the world to document their lives and cultures. Anyone can submit one large, captioned image to each of Pictory’s editorial themes. The best photo stories are proofed, edited, and polished into a magazine like showcase.

The announcement came from Levi’s brand Wednesday, Dec. 1.

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Rakesh Raman