When Obamacare becomes a Funny Game

A Louisville entrepreneur Jack LeFeber has created Obamacare – The Game.

With wry humor, LeFeber has taken the staggering complexity of the more than 10,000-page Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and transformed it into a satirical board game that skewers legislative absurdity and partisan infighting.

“Unlike Congress, you don’t have to play Obamacare to know what’s in it,” mused game creator Jack LeFeber. “Whatever your politics, you’ll love the creative insanity that only a government bureaucracy can cobble together. It’s fun, educational and a little scary, all at the same time.”

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Obamacare – The Game features a colorful layout, creative action cards, and a style of play that humorously points out the impact the health care overhaul will have on the American middle class.

Players can choose to be Democrats, Republicans, Tea Party, Green Party or Occupy Wall Street members, as well as an added player with a distinct advantage – The IRS.

You don’t have to know all the details of the bill to enjoy the game. Each player starts out as a small business owner (except the Occupy Wall Streeters, who are unemployed). Along the way, you are taxed, troubled, hospitalized, or may even fall victim to a Death Panel as you make your way across the board.

[ Also Read: Will You Play the Occupy Wall Street Game? ]

“We may have added some funny exaggerations in the game,” adds LeFeber with a smile. “But since the original bill was brought to you by the same folks who so efficiently manage the US Postal Service, Social Security Trust Fund, recent Bank Bailouts, and soon-to-be $17,000,000,000,000.00 in government debt…you know the game is rigged against us from the start.”

LeFeber is currently employing a Kickstarter campaign to fund the board game’s production, with numerous benefits for those who support the project in various pledge amounts.

The campaign runs through Oct. 10, 2013. The game will be made in Louisville, KY, so it will be taxed and troubled like any other small business in America, says LeFeber. He considers it his way of playing along with an increasingly crazy system.

If you’d like to pledge support for Obamacare – The Game, the game and related merchandise can be ordered exclusively through Kickstarter via www.obamacaregame.com.

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Rakesh Raman