Write Letters to Stop FAR Construction in Your Housing Society

Delhi's cooperative group housing societies have become dens of crime and corruption. Click the photo to know about extreme corruption in Delhi housing societies. Photo: Rakesh Raman / RMN News Service
Delhi’s cooperative group housing societies have become dens of crime and corruption. Click the photo to know about extreme corruption in Delhi housing societies. Photo: Rakesh Raman / RMN News Service

Write Letters to Stop FAR Construction in Your Housing Society

September 26, 2021

Hopefully, after this initial opposition, your society MC will stop FAR construction planning and won’t pursue this criminal activity.

By Rakesh Raman

As a journalist and social activist, I have been running the “Clean House” service to report about crimes and corruption happening in Delhi’s cooperative group housing societies (CGHS). While the service was slow during the past over a year because of the coronavirus pandemic, now it is gradually picking up steam.

During the past couple of weeks, I have received a number of emails and phone communications from residents in different housing societies to inform me that their society management committee (MC) is planning to carry out floor area ratio (FAR) extended construction in their building. 

As I have been holding major campaigns across Delhi to stop FAR construction, I inform people that FAR construction is a criminal activity being run by the corrupt MC members of different housing societies in connivance with dishonest bureaucrats, police, and builders’ mafia.

[ Also Read: FAR Construction Crime in Delhi Housing Societies Must Stop ]

[ Also Read: How Illegal FAR Construction Stopped at DPS CGHS Dwarka ]

If the MC of your housing society is planning FAR construction, you need to oppose it vehemently. If the decision has been taken by your MC, you should write a formal letter to the MC to oppose that decision. 

Ideally, all members who oppose FAR should sign this letter. You need to send this letter to your MC President / Secretary with copies to the Vice Chairman, Delhi Development Authority (DDA) and Registrar Cooperative Societies (RCS).

Remember, the majority of members in a housing society cannot take the FAR decision. If even one member in the society is opposed to FAR, it cannot and should not happen. In other words, the majority rule does not apply to FAR construction.

You also need to prepare a general letter (format is given below) with a brief message that you can share with various authorities along with a covering letter. In this general letter, try to take as many signatures as possible in the following format from the residents who are not in favor of FAR in your society. 

[ You can click here to watch a related video to stop FAR construction in your housing society. The video is also given below. ]

All the adult members in a family can sign this letter. The family members of flat owners as well as tenants can sign this general letter. Suppose a family that opposes FAR has four adult members. Then all these four members will sign this letter and their signatures will appear on four rows with the same flat number. 

If a FAR-opposing member is not living in the society, you can take their refusal to FAR through email and in the signature column write “Through email.”

Note: In the following format, replace the italicized words with the name of your housing society and its address.


September / October 2021

We – the residents / members of your society name and address – do not want floor area ratio (FAR) construction, related repairs, etc. in our society building. Since FAR construction will spread harmful dust and noise pollution and cause extreme disturbance including the possibility of accidents in the society building, we urge the your society name CGHS management committee (MC) and authorities to immediately stop FAR construction (or its planning) at our building where people – including men, women, children, and senior citizens – are living.

Name Flat No. Senior Citizen (Yes/No) Signature

Hopefully, after this initial opposition, your society MC will stop FAR construction planning and won’t pursue this criminal activity. If your MC does not stop, then you will need to take more steps. You can let me know when you need my help to get FAR construction stopped in your housing society.

By Rakesh Raman, who is a national award-winning journalist and social activist. He is the founder of a humanitarian organization RMN Foundation which is working in diverse areas to help the disadvantaged and distressed people in the society.

He also runs the “Clean House” anti-corruption service which works like a community court to report about crime and corruption happening in Delhi’s group housing societies.

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Rakesh Raman